Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Smart Grid takes over -- for now

Very little of my time has been allocated to BACnet lately, except for teleconferences from which there is little to report; the Smart Grid has taken over.

I've become a Honeywell representative on NIST's Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) and on its Smart Grid Architecture Committee (SGAC), working with its building-to-grid (B2G) working group (or more accurately just watching right now), and two "Priority Action Plan" (PAP) working groups: PAP09, "Standard DR Signals," and PAP10, "Standard Energy Usage Information."

If that weren't enough, I'm on the Commercial Buildings group of the Energy Information Standards Alliance (EIS Alliance, or just "The Alliance"), which is also involved with the SGIP. And that has just taken up the better part of two days as I tackled the task of producing a couple of background documents for a larger set that will start defining the "buildings sector" of the Smart Grid.

(All of which sounds big & important, but it's not. It was mostly "turning the crank" on material from last week's Alliance kick-off meeting, though the crank would have been much easier to turn had I been there instead of trying to understand the meeting through their speakerphone.)

But my winter "week of BACnet meetings" starts a week from today. And last night I booked my flights for the BACnet Interest Group - Europe (BIG-EU) meeting in Paris in just over three weeks.

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