Friday, May 28, 2010

On to BACnet and Landscaping

Returned home late last night from the ConnectivityWeek Smart Grid meetings, thanks to a delayed flight out of the old San Jose airport. (Which was a horror to wait around in --I remember it as a colorful, bustling, pleasant little airport back in the 80s-- but 9/11 security took over the central mall and now the place is about to be torn down; most of the businesses and all of the murals are gone. So bleak.)

Top of my to-do list now are a couple of BACnet whitepapers I've volunteered to write for Alerton. A nice break before the Smart Grid and energy-efficiency whirlwinds start up again.

Oh, and LEED too; I saw a news item this week about "LEED for Landscapes" and thought that's what I need: A house deep in the tall woods of the Pacific Northwet (where moss grows on all sides of trees, and not only on trees but on just about everything else) is a really bad place to try to keep a grass lawn. But it turns out to be something called a Sustainable Sites Initiative (PDF) and not LEED. Still, it could be an interesting read.

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