Friday, September 24, 2010

Dinner Cruise

Looking up ship prefixes, there seem to be none for the famed Swiss navy -- or other Swiss vessels, for that matter. So the Titlis, named for a nearby mountain, will just have to be called by that name alone. (I believe that's Mount Titlis behind the ship in the photo.)

The surprise, when I saw the final agenda for the BIG-EU meeting in Lucerne this week, was that we would have a cruise with dinner Monday evening. This had been discussed for the group dinner, but when the Executive Board got the price we canceled it -- there was no way such an expense could be justified. So when I saw a cruise on the agenda I surmised that perhaps it was a cruise sans dinner or some such.

Nope. It was announced that day that three companies present in Switzerland had gotten together and jointly sponsored this most unforgettable cruise and dinner for the BIG-EU.

What else can I say but "Thank you!" to Saia, Sauter and Siemens. Switzerland was beautiful and pleasant enough already (I hope to visit again sometime), but this was the icing on the cake.

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