Monday, June 28, 2010

Agenda's End: Full Stop

For the first time since I've been on the BACnet committee, we actually reached the end of our plenary session agenda -- and not only did we get there a half-hour before planned adjournment at noon, we did so having had two hours less than usual in the Saturday plenary session (the extra time was given to the Objects & Services working group so they could reduce their backlog). Kudos to chairman Dave Robin!

One of the major steps was the vote for Addendum 135-2010af to undergo publication public review. This addendum proposes major improvements and extensions to the BACnet system of issuing and handling alarms. This 135-page document is the end product of almost three years' effort by a number of BACneteers with innumerable e-mails, several 3-day meetings in advance of the BACnet committee's 4-1/2 day meetings (talk about mental exhaustion), one several-day meeting in Chicago (which I could not attend because I was in Frankfurt... and after, while I was unable to return to the U.S. because of the volcano, several were likewise unable to return to Europe), and more "Alarm Summit" teleconferences than anyone but their convener, Bernhard Isler, can count.

It was a very successful BACnet meeting!

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