Friday, October 2, 2009

NFMT speaker confirmation

This morning while I was writing up my weekly status report for my two bosses, one American and the other German, a bonus item to be included arrived in my e-mail: I have been selected as a speaker for next year's The National Facilities Management & Technology Conference & Expo, Maintenance Solutions Conference & Expo, GreenTech Conference & Expo and Safe Buildings Conference & Expo, four shows under one roof. My topic: what ASHRAE and LEED standards and guidelines say about how you can save energy (and money!) with your building automation system, while keeping the occupants comfortable in a high-quality indoor environment.

I've seen lots of strategies presented in articles and talks over the past three years (when I first became interested in this topic), but in my review of this literature I found that all of them (plus more) have already been published. But you really have to know where to look; this took a bit of money to buy the necessary books, and a fair amount of time and patience to read them all cover to cover.

In my talk I will present the results of this review -- and one additional strategy that's not in these books, I assure you. At least not yet.

This is going to be fun!

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