Thursday, February 18, 2010

Smart Grid customer use cases review

Once again my week has been filled up with Smart Grid activities. Wednesday it began with a 5:30 AM call into a SGIP/SGAC (architectural committee) meeting at NIST, just outside of D.C. A lttle easier than getting up well before 5:30 in order to fly out the day before, but also a little early to be fully awake. Especially after the Shrove (Fat) Tuesday fun the night before (the pancake dinner always leaves me a bit ill).

But preceding that I spent a fair amount of time plowing through the almost 100-page document, EIS Alliance Customer Domain Use Cases v1.0, which is published online for review and comment. (The customer domains are Industrial, Commercial and Residential buildings -- I'm in the Commercial Buildings group.)

I've already uploaded my clearly-editorial comments, one technical comment, and one uncertain. I've circulated my comments among internal parties and the rest of the technical should be up soon, along with some of theirs.

But for all that, I still have to make to another pass through the Use Cases document, double-checking certain of the technical elements. Fortunately the review period was extended to 2/26!

Then maybe I can get back to redrafting some of my BACnet proposals...

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